Long lost family is an american documentary television series based on the dutch series spoorloos created by broadcaster kro ncrv that premiered on march 6 2016 on tlc presented by chris jacobs and lisa joyner the show helps provide aid to individuals looking to be reunited with long lost biological family members the show is produced by shed media for tlc and is co sponsored by ancestry.
Finding lost family members tv show.
If you are desperate to trace a lost family member and have been searching for years with no success then long lost family would like to hear from you.
With chris jacobs lisa joyner jeanette yoffe jenn utley.
Watch full episodes get behind the scenes meet the cast and much more.
That single event inspired troy and his then partner to build an organization that did one thing.
Help people reunite with long lost friends and family members.
At the heart of tlc s long lost family the docuseries that reunites people with long lost relatives typically adoptees and their birth parents are three words.
The show designed for teenagers follows pairs of family members as they travel together and discover their shared family history.
Long lost family the tv documentary series that aims to reunite family members is looking for participants.
Presented by davina and nicky campbell itv s hit series long lost family is back with more heart warming stories of families reunited after decades apart.
Like a new leaf before it see above roots less traveled airs during nbc s saturday morning the more you know block.
Long lost family official site.
If you are desperate to trace a lost family member and have been searching with no success the long lost family team would like to hear from you perhaps we can help at no cost to you.
Regret loss and redemption as tlc proclaimed in its original announcement in 2016 the show features the highly emotional and touching stories of people who have suffered a lifetime of separation and are yearning to be reunited.
This american television series helps people reunite with long lost family members.
In 1990 troy helped his own mother who was adopted as a baby locate her own biological family.
The series will track the efforts of those attempting to find their family members and will in some rare instances use resources to help reunite those with the most urgent and dire need.
With the help of a dedicated team of researchers hosts tim green and lisa joyner reunite mothers fathers daughters and sons who have lost touch for decades.